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Cranberry IPM Message

Infestations of flea beetle have been reported. Sevin and Diazinon are good choices for flea beetle. It is generally thought that populations in the range of 20-30 indicate a spray is needed, but growers should also consider their own experience. If you are not sweeping, you should go out and look for evidence of damage, especially if you have had problems in the past.

Spraganothis fruitworm larvae have been found in fruit, so you should be aware of this. If you have not taken care of your weevil infestations, it is getting to be too late for Actara. Prophlatic sprays for cranberry fruitworm should no longer be going out. You shoul only be making insecticide applications when the number of unhatched, viable eggs exceeds the action threshold.

We cannot stress enough the importance of correct timing of CFW sprays. Please see pages 14-15 in the 2009 Chart Book for exact details. Although there have been reports of weevils and BHF problems, it seems like a relatively quiet year on the whole.

IPM Message for Cranberry Growers: June 17, 2016

Bloom is coming on slowly in some areas.  With mixed varieties, time the start of fungicides with the earlies.  Since we are in that situation, we will be applying our first fungicide today.  Our program will consist of 2 applications of Proline and the third as Bravo.  All at the full rate.  Recent sweeps yielded a few weevils, span worms, and large gypsy moths.  None over threshold.  We have...

IPM Message for Cranberry Growers: June 17. 2016

Bloom is coming on slowly in some areas.  With mixed varieties, time the start of fungicides with the earlies.  Since we are in that situation, we will be applying our first fungicide today.  Our program will consist of 2 applications of Proline and the third as Bravo.  All at the full rate.  Recent sweeps yielded a few weevils, span worms, and large gypsy moths.  None over threshold.  We have...

IPM Message for Cranberry Growers: June 17. 2016

Bloom is coming on slowly in some areas.  With mixed varieties, time the start of fungicides with the earlies.  Since we are in that situation, we will be applying our first fungicide today.  Our program will consist of 2 applications of Proline and the third as Bravo.  All at the full rate.  Recent sweeps yielded a few weevils, span worms, and large gypsy moths.  None over threshold.  We have...
